Nephew caught for drunk driving: Rajasthan MLA sits on dharna

A Rajasthan Congress MLA, Meena Kumari and her husband who is also a former MLA sat on dharna in a police station because she wanted to prevent a challan of her nephew that was caught for drunk driving. Below is the video shared on Twitter. In the video, we can see her along with her husband in a police station protesting against the police officers.


In the video, we can hear the couple say “all kids drink at times and it is no big deal” Then she says that she had requested the police to release him and she has the recording on her phone. She also says that kids were just partying. But still, the police officers refused to let the accused go.

The car was also seized when the nephew was caught. The incident occurred on Sunday night and now the car has been released from custody by the police after the intervention of the DCP. The video is now going viral on the internet and people are criticizing the MLA.

Challans on drunk driving

Drinking and driving is one of the most dangerous offences that a person can do. A few months back, a new rule in Telangana was implemented where the cops would be able to cancel the driving license on the spot if they catch a person after drinking and driving.

The traffic cops will be working with the regional transport authority. So, they would have information about driving license, personal details of the motorists, and even the vehicle registration details ready at their disposal. Because the database will be available with the cops, they would be able to cancel the license on the spot.

In March, 43 people were sent to jail for drunk driving whereas the total number of people that were caught were 139. A total of Rs. 7 lakhs was collected as fines. The cops collected the licenses of all the violators and sent them to the authorities to get licenses cancelled.

Don’t drink and drive

Alcohol messes up with our reflexes and reaction times whereas driving is an activity where you need to pay full attention. You do not know what other vehicles are going to do next so you need to have good reaction times in case something goes wrong. For instance, the car going in front of you suddenly decides to apply brakes and if you are drunk then you would not be able to apply brakes timely and you will end up hitting the car in front of you.

Concentrating is also another thing that is required while driving. There is a lot of information that needs processing continuously while driving. You have to keep checking speed limits, traffic signs, zebra crossing, pedestrians, other vehicles etc. Alcohol makes concentrating difficult which increases the chance of making a mistake significantly.


The post Nephew caught for drunk driving: Rajasthan MLA sits on dharna first appeared on Cartoq.