Biker & pillion miraculously escape from getting crushed under a bus [Video]

With the number of vehicles increasing on the road, the number of road accidents in the country has also gone up. We have stated it several times in our articles that one has to be extremely careful while riding or driving on Indian roads. There are multiple reasons for that. If you are on a motorcycle, it is always a good practice to maintain distance from the vehicle in front, rear, or on the sides. Here, we have a video from Hyderabad that shows a biker and pillion miraculously escaping from getting crushed under a transport corporation bus.

The video was shared by Cyberabad Traffic Police on their YouTube channel. The accident happened in 2021, and the video was taken from the CCTV camera at the crossing to create awareness among the public. The accident occurred somewhere near Madeenaguda X road, which falls under the Miyapur Police station limits. The accident happened early in the morning. The road had several vehicles on it, and it looked like a very busy weekday. People were rushing to reach their offices and businesses.

On the road, we see a bus and a Tata Ace commercial pickup moving towards the direction where the camera is placed. We can also see a bike between the bus and the Tata Ace. The biker was trying to overtake the vehicles through the gap. However, the Tata Ace driver failed to notice the biker, probably because he was in the blind spot of the driver. He moved the pickup slightly to the left, and the biker was forced to move the bike to the left as well. Before he could react, the biker crashed into the body of the bus, and both the biker and the pillion fell on the road.

Biker & pillion crashing into bus
Biker & pillion crashing into bus

Thankfully, both the pillion and the rider did not come under the tire of the bus. The Tata Ace driver also stopped the vehicle and came running to check on them. The rider’s helmet can be seen lying on the road as well. Both of them were on the road, and other road users stopped their vehicles and immediately ran to check on them. They were fine. In this case, the fault was with both the biker and the Tata Ace driver. The biker was trying to overtake through the narrow gap between the vehicles, while the Tata Ace driver unnecessarily moved his vehicle to the left, making things difficult for the biker.

If you are a biker riding on Indian roads, it is advisable to follow a defensive riding technique. This method focuses on your safety first. In this method of driving or riding, the person should anticipate dangerous situations, despite adverse conditions or the mistakes of others when operating a motor vehicle. People using two-wheelers should especially ensure that they are visible to other motorists. If you are not confident about overtaking a vehicle, leave it. Always maintain a safe distance from vehicles and also use the horn and lights to ensure that the vehicle in front of you notices you. The Tata Ace driver should have also paid more attention to the road and vehicles around him to avoid this situation.

The post Biker & pillion miraculously escape from getting crushed under a bus [Video] first appeared on Cartoq.