Cobra finds shelter in a moving car: Watch it getting rescued [Video]

There have been several cases from different parts of the country where reptiles have caused problems from vehicle owners. Reptiles like snake often find shelter in cars and people continue to use them without realising the danger. Here we have one such incident from Maharashtra where a Cobra was found inside a moving car. The snake was later rescued and the video of the whole incident has been posted online and has gone viral on the internet.

The video has been shared by Raj Maji on Twitter. The video shows how the snake was rescued from the car and how it was released in a nearby jungle. In this video, it is not clear how the people in the car actually located the snake in the vehicle. When the video started, the rescuer was already holding the tail of the snake and was trying to get it out. The video does not share much details regarding the occupants and the car in which the snake was found. The car seen here looks like a Tata Sumo MPV and the snake was trying to escape to the engine room from the car from the cabin.

The snake was trying to escape from a small gap between the cabin and the engine. The snake rescuer is seen holding the tail of the snake and is slowly trying to pull it out. The car is parked in the middle of the road and there are many people have stopped to see what is happening. After trying to pull the snake for some time, we start seeing progress and the snake finally comes out. The rescuer takes the snake out and lays it on the road. After taking a quick look at the surrounding, the snake rescuer takes the snake to a nearby jungle and leaves it there.

Snake rescued from car
Snake rescued from car 

Spotting a reptile especially a snake can be a shock for many. There is a reason why these reptiles find shelter in machines and cars. Reptiles like snakes are cold blooded and they seek warm places to regulate their body temperature. Vehicles are a perfect place to hide and seek shelter for the snakes as the engine bay can stay warm for hours even after the vehicle is turned off. The snake seen here in the video is a Cobra which is extremely venomous. There have been many incidents where snakes have been living inside the car for weeks and the owner did not even realise it.

If you ever find yourself in such a situation, never panic. Always call a specialist who has handled such situations in the past. Never try to manhandle the snake or any other animal by yourself. Never park the vehicle near tall bushes. The snakes can use the bushes to climb inside the vehicle easily. It is always a good idea to check under the car and engine bay before leaving if snakes are common in your area. If you find a snake inside the car, try to not panic and slow down and park the car on the roadside and call for help.

The post Cobra finds shelter in a moving car: Watch it getting rescued [Video] first appeared on Cartoq.